- Home 主頁
- About Us 關於我們
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- FNA/Biopsy 抽取組織
- Female screening 女士健康篩查
- Health Info 健康資訊
- Contact Us 聯絡我們
- Doctor's Area 醫生專區
一站式醫學影像診斷中心One Stop Health and Imaging Centre
妍慧醫學診斷中心提供一站式醫學影像診斷及健康檢查服務。本中心全面引入先進影像診斷儀器,包括磁力共振,電腦掃描,正電子電腦掃描,3D乳房造影,乳房活組織檢驗,超聲波 ,無創肝臟掃描 ,X光,骨質密度檢查,血液檢驗,幽門螺旋菌吹氣測試,靜態心電圖,24小時心電圖及運動心電圖。 我們更設有女士專區,由女放射科醫生及放射師負責為女病人提供貼心醫療服務。Venus Health and Imaging Centre provides comprehensive health checks and diagnostic imaging services. Our centre has the following services: Magnetic Resonance Imaging (1.5T MRI), Computed Tomography (256slice CT) , Positron Emission Tomography (PET-CT) , 2D/3D Tomosynthesis Mammography, Breast Biopsy/Vacuum Assisted Biopsy, Ultrasound, Fibrotouch (liver stiffness/fatty liver assessment), X-Ray, Bone Density exam (DEXA), Blood Tests, Urea Breath Test, Electrocardiogram (ECG), Holter and Treadmill. We also have a dedicated area for women, where female radiologists and radiographers provide attentive care to female patients.
Our Services
- F18 FDG- F-18 PSMA
- C-11 Acetate
- F18 FDG + C-11 Acetate
HA Referral
Hospital Authority Staff discount家計會
Family Planning Association我們接受以下信用卡, 及電子錢包付款
We accept credit card,
and e-payment
Medical Cards
我們收取各種醫療卡, 詳情請向姑娘查詢 。
We accept various medical cards. Please check with our clinic assistant for details.
Contact Us
恒成大廈3A室 (佐敦站A出口)
3A Hang Shing Building,
363 Nathan Road
(Jordan MTR Exit A)
3A Hang Shing Building 363 Nathan RoadMon to Fri 星期一至星期五:
9 am - 6:30pm
Sat 星期六:9 am - 5 pm
Sun and Public Holidays 星期日及公眾假期:Closed 休息2153 9353 / 9662 7219