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Preparation before examination
General notes before check up
- 請在預約時間前30分鐘到達本診所
- 請攜同舊片﹑影像碟片或報告以作參考。
- Please arrive 30 minutes before appointment time.
- Please bring the old films/ DVD/ medical report for reference.
Blood Test
If you need to test blood sugar or blood lipids, you must keep an empty stomach for 8 hours or more before the test.
If you history of fainting during blood taking, please inform the staff.
After the blood is drawn, apply firm pressure on the wound for about 10 minutes.
磁力共振 MRI
Please alert our staff if you have any of the following:
- 腎衰竭病史 History of Renal Failure
- 幽閉空間恐懼症 Claustrophobia
- 心臟起博器 /心律去顫器/人工心瓣 Cardiac Pacemaker/ Cardiac Defibrillator/ Artificial Heart Valve
- 助聽器/神經刺激器. Cochlear Implant/ Neurostimulator
- 血管夾 Aneurysm Clips/ Vascular Stent
- 人工關節/骨科手術金屬植入物/體內金屬異物/假牙 Metal Implant/ Metallic Foreign Body/ Metallic Dental Implant
- 砲彈或子彈傷口 Shrapnel/ Bullet wound
- 紋身或永久性化妝品 Tattoo/ Permanent Cosmetics
- 子宮環 IUCD
- 懷孕 Pregnancy
- 接受顯影藥水檢查前,病人不需要禁食,但需要3個月內腎功能驗血結果。
- 接受上腹或全腹部(包括胰膽管造影)磁力共振造影檢查之人士, 需於檢查前四小時禁飲食。
- For contrast study, there is no need to fast prior to exam.
- Renal Function: Creatinine within 3 months is required.
- For Abdominal MRI (including MRCP): Fast for 4 hours
電腦掃描 CT
檢查前注意事項 (需要注射顯影劑 CT with contrast)
- 腎病患者需持有3個月腎功能驗血結果。
- 糖尿病患者需於掃描當天停服降血糖藥(Glucophage, Metformin) ,並於完成掃描48小時後才開始正常服用。
- 冠狀動脈掃描檢查前12小時禁止做運動飲咖啡, 茶或可樂。
- 如曾經嚴重過敏反應, 請通知你的醫生。
- 請確定在檢查時並沒有懷孕。
- Renal function: Creatinine within 3 months is required.
- Coronary Angiogram: No exercise, coffee, tea or coke 12 hrs before the exam.
- Contrast Allergy History: Please inform your doctor.
- Please exclude pregnancy.
- 正電子斷層掃描檢查前六小時開始禁食 , 期間可飲用清水。
- 檢查前一天及當日不要進行任何運動或提取重物。
- 在掃描前十日內不可以接受任何鋇餐造影檢查。
- 掃描前三天避免服用中藥﹑咖啡因及酒精
- 請確定在檢查時並沒有懷孕。
- 糖尿病患者在禁食期間請勿服用糖尿藥物或注射胰島素藥物。請帶備這些藥物到本中心待檢查完畢後服用。
- Fast for 6 hours, water is allowed.
- No exercise one day before the exam day.
- Avoid barium exam 10 days before.
- Avoid Chinese medicine (Ling Zhi), caffeine or alcohol three days before exam.
- Exclude pregnancy.
- Stop diabetic drugs / insulin injections during fasting. Please bring along the drugs to the centre.
- 進行上腹,全腹或膽囊超聲波檢查前應保持空腹6小時。
- 進行盆腔,前列腺或膀胱超聲波檢查時,膀胱必需脹滿,請於檢查前最少飲用300ml清水。
1. Please fast for 6 hours before the abdominal, gallbladder ultrasound examination.2. Ultrasound examination of pelvis, prostate or bladder requires a full bladder. Please drink around 300ml of water before the examination.X-光檢查,造影及乳房造影之前的準備
X-Ray and Mammography
- 如懷疑或懷孕期間,不能進行X光,平片,造影,乳房攝影檢測。
- 如進行乳房X光造影檢查,不應塗上護膚品,化妝品或止汗劑。
- During pregnancy, X-ray, plain film, radiography, or mammography cannot be performed.
- For 2D/3D mammography, antiperspirants should not be applied.
For hysterosalpingography, it is necessary to avoid sex from the first day of the
menstrual period to the day of the examination.
Pap Smear
Can only be performed 7-10days after L.M.P (1st day of last period)
Urea Breath Test
幽門螺菌呼氣測試, 應保持空腹8小時或以上,期間不可進食飲水。
Urea Breath Test requires an empty stomach for 8 hours or more, during which cannot eat or drink water.