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2D/3D Mammography
Mammography can detect calcifications, architectural distortions and nodules .
What is Mammography?
American Cancer Society recommends women
over 40 to start screening every 1-2 years
乳癌的成因會與年齡﹑生活習慣﹑人生階段及家族病史有關(如近親是乳癌患者) 。
Mammography uses X-Rays to take images of the breast from different angles.
It can detect calcifications, architectural distortions and nodules.
Mammography can help doctors detect early breast cancer.
During the exam, the breast would be compressed between two flat surfaces .
This may cause a little pain, but it will only last for a few seconds.
The entire process takes about 10 minutes.
The breasts will be less engorged 1-2 weeks after menses.
It is best to choose this time for examination.
The incidence rate of breast cancer increases among women aged over 40.
The cause of breast cancer is related to age, lifestyle and family history.
What is 3D mammography?
- 傳統的乳房造影是2D影像,每個角度只造出一張照片
- 3D乳房造影就如影像切片的斷層技術,可多角度造影,以多張1毫米厚的影像,把乳房組織更清楚地呈現出來,改善傳統影像技術中乳腺組織重疊的弱點,有效提高準確度。
- 已獲FDA國際認可
- Traditional mammography is a 2D image, only one X Ray image is created from each angle
- 3D mammography takes multiple 1mm thin images at different angles, thus reducing overlap and effectively improving the accuracy.
- FDA approved
傳統 2D 乳房造影及3D的比較:
As compared to 2D mammogram, 3D has:
- 可提⾼40% ⼊侵性乳癌檢測率
- 能減輕檢查時乳房不適, 每個角度約3.75秒
- 與X光劑量相近
- 40% increase in invasive breast cancer detection rate
- Short time under compression ~3.75s
- Less discomfort
- Comparable radiation dose
Figures 1, 3: 2D----------------------------vs---Figures 2,4 :3D
The benefits of 3D Tomosynthesis Mammography
More accurate
3D立體乳腺造影, 比傳統2D技術, 能夠提高乳腺癌檢測的準確率。
3D乳腺X光造影, 可以有效移除乳腺組織重疊而對診斷所造成的干擾。
3D Tomosynthesis Mammography, compared with traditional 2D technology, can improve the accuracy of breast cancer detection.
3D Mammography can effectively remove the interference caused by breast tissue overlap.
Better diagnosis
能夠更加有效地偵查出乳房內的瘤塊, 結構扭曲和不對稱密度的組織。
可以利用3D乳腺X光定位技術, 以抽取腫瘤組織來檢查。
It can detect nodules and architectural distortions more effectively.
Tomosynthesis/stereotactic guided biopsy can obtain tissue diagnosis more accurately.
Reduce recall and additional images
可降低召回率, 減少受檢查者不必要的憂慮。
It can reduce the recall rate and decrease anxiety.
Decrease the chance of repeated breast compressions.
Less discomfort
幅射劑量與傳統造影接近, 但能夠多影出幾十至幾百張影像,令乳房影像的數據更清晣及更準確。
3D can use less compression force without affecting image quality.
The new technology can shorten the time the breast is compressed.
The radiation dose is close to that of traditional radiography, but it can take multiple X Ray images at different angles, making the data clearer.
Frequently Asked Questions on Mammography
1. 立體乳房X光造影檢查是怎樣操作的?
I am having my first mammogram, what should I expect?The radiographer will compress your breast between two flat surfaces. X Ray images of your breast are then taken at different angles for a few seconds. There may be slight discomfort during compression. One breast is done at a time, allowing two different xray views for each breast.
Sometimes, more images need to be taken for better evaluation. The report is written by a radiologist.2. 立體乳房X光造影是否安全會帶有幅射嗎?
立體乳房X光造影的輻射風險極低,每次的輻射量約為0.6-0.7 毫希;相當於每人每年從自然背景所得輻射的八分之一,或坐飛機來回香港與倫敦2-4次所吸收的輻射。作為國際公認的乳腺癌檢測工具,乳房X光檢查可以檢測眼睛看不見或手感覺不到的異常。通過早期發現拯救生命的好處,遠遠大於輻射的風險。
Is Mammography screening safe?
The radiation dose is low and acceptable. The dose is approximately 0.6-0.7 millisieverts (mSv), which is equivalent to one-eighth of the radiation absorbed annually from natural background radiation, or the radiation exposure from two to four round-trip flights between Hong Kong and London. As an internationally recognized tool for detecting breast cancer, the mammogram can detect abnormalities which cannot be seen by the eye or felt by the hand. The benefits of saving a life by early detection are much greater than the risks of radiation.
3. 為甚麼40歲以上的女性,必須做乳房X光造影檢查?
Why do women over 40 need mammography screening ?
The incidence rate of breast cancer increases among women aged over 40. Research has proven that screening can reduce the breast cancer mortality by 20 -30%, due to early detection and treatment.
4. 乳房超聲波掃描可以取代乳房X光造影檢查嗎?
Can ultrasound imaging substitute mammography screening?
The principles and functions of the two imaging methods are different. They cannot replace each other but are complementary.
Ultrasound imaging transmits high-frequency sound waves to the breast tissues through an apparatus, and then converts the feedback from the sound waves into an image. Ultrasound can distinguish between solid nodules and cystic lesions. Mammography can detect calcifications and architectural distortions better.5. 若在X光造影或超聲波掃描影像中發現乳房有鈣化點或硬塊,應該怎麼辦?
If microcalcifications or a lump is found inside the breast on a mammogram or in ultrasound screening, what should I do?
If a lump is found inside the breast through the mammogram or ultrasound screening, the doctor may suggest you to extract samples of tissue from the lump for further investigation. This can be done by fine needle aspiration or core biopsy.
Is mammography really ''clip-free'' painless?
3D Tomosynthesis mammography requires less force to compress the breast which can reduce the pain. Moreover, the new technology can complete dozens of images in just 3-4 seconds. Most women find the compression force acceptable. Women are also advised to schedule their scans 1-2 weeks after menses when the breasts are less engorged.