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256 Slice Computed Tomography (CT)
CT combines X-Ray with advanced computer analysis.
It provides three dimensional images of organs.
GE 256 Slice Revolution CT ES
採用新一代Gemstone Clarity 寶石探測器及寶石能譜成像技術,達到超卓訊雜比,以領先業界的0.23mm空間解析度和探測器速度,使電子雜訊減少25%,散射減少50%,有效更準確分析病灶結構,能更輕易把出血或新血管化的狀況呈現出來。
此CT掃描器更配置嶄新冠狀動脈追蹤凍結技術及多次心跳門控重建技術,使影像不受心跳間出現的相位差異,令心血管掃描品質更清晰卓越。Use of latest generation Gemstone Clarity Detector and Gemstone Spectral Imaging (GSI) technique, this CT machine achieves Best-in-class 0.23mm spatial resolution and industry’s fastest scintillating primary speed, reducing electric noise by 25% and scatter by 50%, leading to more precise analysis of structures and lesions and better detection of bleeding and neovascularization.
It is also equipped with the latest SnapShot FREEZE(Single-cycle reconstruction) , allowing motion correction using data within a single cardiac cycle, leading to superior quality in cardiovascular imaging compared with other brands.過程:
1. 病人將會躺在掃描床上,過程中掃描床會慢慢移向掃描機器
2. 在檢查期間,病人不可移動,否則影像會模糊不清
3. 病人可能需要聽從指示控制呼吸
1. You will be lying down on the scanning bed. The bed will then move into the machine slowly.
2. Try to keep still during the exam to ensure the best quality.
3. You may be asked to follow the breath-holding instruction.
檢查前注意事項 (需要注射顯影劑) :
- 腎病患者需持有3個月腎功能驗血結果。
- 冠狀動脈掃描檢查前12小時禁止做運動飲咖啡, 茶或可樂。
- 如曾經嚴重過敏反應, 請通知你的醫生。
- 請確定在檢查時並沒有懷孕。
Preparation before CT with contrast:
- Renal function: Creatinine within 3 months is required.
- Coronary Angiogram: No exercise, coffee, tea or coke 12 hrs before the exam.
- Contrast Allergy History: Please inform your doctor.
- Please exclude pregnancy.