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抽取乳房組織 / 軟組織檢查
Breast Intervention
Fine Needle Aspiration(幼針)
Core Biopsy (粗針)Vacuum Assisted Biopsy (真空輔助)
Thyroid (甲狀腺)/ Lymph node (淋巴核)/ Soft tissue (表面軟組織)
Fine Needle Aspiration (幼針)超聲波引導粗針活組織檢查
Ultrasound Guided Breast Core Biopsy
Ultrasound Guided Breast
Fine Needle Aspiration (FNA)
Stereotactic (2D or 3D Tomosynthesis) Guided
Breast Core Biopsy超聲波引導真空輔助活組織檢查
Ultrasound Guided
Vacuum Assisted Biopsy (VAB)
Stereotactic (2D or 3D Tomosynthesis) Guided Vacuum Assisted Biopsy (VAB)
MRI Guided
Vacuum Assisted Biopsy (VAB)
甲狀腺/ 淋巴核/ 表面軟組織幼針活組織檢查
Thyroid / Lymph Node/ Soft tissue
Fine Needle Aspiration (FNA)
Breast Intervention
Breast imaging commonly includes ultrasound and mammography. Imaging can help detect calcifications, architectural distortions and nodules. If your doctor identifies suspicious lesions, tissue sampling would be recommended for further investigation.
Fine needle aspiration and Core Biopsy are common methods for breast intervention.
幼針穿刺 Fine Needle Aspiration (FNA)
Fine Needle Aspiration (FNA): The doctor uses a fine needle to directly puncture the breast to take cell samples, just likely taking blood. These cells would be sent to the pathologist to look under the microscope.
粗針穿刺活檢 Core Biopsy
Core biopsy can extract more tissue and can distinguish whether cancer cells are invasive or not. Local anaesthesia would be injected into the breast and a tiny 2mm incision wound would be made. A special "core" needle would be used to take 2-3 tissue samples. These would be sent to the pathologist to examine under a microscope.