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Positron Emission Tomography-CT
PET-CT is one of the most effective methods for detecting tumors and metastasis.
Through the injection of radioisotope drugs, it can display the metabolic state of body cells.
GE Discovery IQ GEN 2 PETCT
此正電子掃描機器擁有業界最高NEMA 靈敏度及最高F18 NECR,廣闊的探測器視野,個人化劑量使用,有效去除金屬偽影,使SUV準確度和訊噪比提升兩倍,令掃描更快速準確,更低劑量,提高病人舒適度。
This PETCT machine has the Highest NEMA sensitivity and Highest clinical NECR for F18 in class, with personalized dose reduction, achieving 2 times improvement in SUV mean quantitation accuracy and Signal to Noise Ratio, allowing faster scans at lower doses and greater patient comfort.過程:
- 正電子斷層掃描前,放射師會將放射同位素藥物注入病人體內,吸收時間若1小時。
- 檢查開始時,掃描器會緩慢地在你身上掃描,需時約30分鐘
- 整個過程需時約2-3小時
- The radioactive substance will be injected intravenously. It takes about 1 hour for organ uptake.
- When the scan starts, the scanner will move slowly over the body part being studied. The scan takes around 30 minutes.
- The whole exam takes around 2-3 hours.
- 正電子斷層掃描檢查前六小時開始禁食 , 期間可飲用清水。
- 檢查前一天及當日不要進行任何運動或提取重物。
- 在掃描前十日內不可以接受任何鋇餐造影檢查。
- 掃描前三天避免服用中藥﹑咖啡因及酒精
- 請確定在檢查時並沒有懷孕。
- 糖尿病患者在禁食期間請勿服用糖尿藥物或注射胰島素藥物。請帶備這些藥物到本中心待檢查完畢後服用。
PET-CT Preparation Before Exam
- Fast for 6 hours, water is allowed.
- No exercise one day before the exam day.
- Avoid barium exam 10 days before.
- Avoid Chinese medicine (Ling Zhi), caffeine or alcohol three days before exam.
- Exclude pregnancy.
- Stop diabetic drugs / insulin injections during fasting. Please bring along the drugs to the centre.