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Fibroscan / Fibrotouch
Liver stiffness and fatty liver quantitive assessment
無創肝臟診斷 ( Fibrotouch/Fibroscan ) 對肝臟組織放出可控低頻性切波,利用高頻信號追踨和採集數據,與內置的數據作出分析比較,得出定量的肝纖維化程度測定結果。
FibroTouch® releases controllable TE (transient elastography) shear wave to liver tissue and uses high frequency signal to track and collect data. Data collected is then compared with the statistical data stored in the database.
FibroTouch® can help quantify early stage Liver Fibrosis and Fatty liver.
Comparison of diagnostic methods for Fatty Liver and Liver Fibrosis