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1.5T Magnetic Resonance Imaging
(MRI )
MRI combines a magnetic field and technology to produce excellent images of various organs.
MRI is safe and does not have radiation.
GE SIGNA Voyager 1.5T MRI
採用最新 DST (Digital Surround Technology) 環繞矩陣式梯度系統,多達 65個獨立資料傳輸通道, 極速重建影像,比市場現有磁力共振掃描器的影像品質更優越更清晰。
此外,Voyager 配置特大70 cm孔徑,帶來超卓訊雜比,為病人提供更寧靜的掃描體驗。
Use of the latest DST (Digital Surround Technology) and 65 channels independent signal transmission, this MRI machine is capable of much faster reconstruction speed, leading to sharper image quality.
It is also equipped with 70cm wide bore, bring excellent signal-to-noise ratio and much lower sound level for better patient comfort and experience.
- 病人將躺在磁力共振掃描床上,如有需要,一些儀器會蓋在客人身上,掃描床會慢慢移向一個開放式的大磁石內進行掃描。
- 在檢查過程中,掃描器會不斷發出聲音,客人只需在整個檢查過程中躺下不動。
- You will be positioned on an exam table and slowly moved into an open magnet.
- During the exam, the MRI will make loud noise. We will provide headphones. The only thing you need to do is to stay still and relax throughout the exam.
Please alert our staff if you have any of the following:
- 腎衰竭病史 History of Renal Failure
- 幽閉空間恐懼症 Claustrophobia
- 心臟起博器 /心律去顫器/人工心瓣 Cardiac Pacemaker/ Cardiac Defibrillator/ Artificial Heart Valve
- 助聽器/神經刺激器. Cochlear Implant/ Neurostimulator
- 血管夾 Aneurysm Clips/ Vascular Stent
- 人工關節/骨科手術金屬植入物/體內金屬異物/假牙 Metal Implant/ Metallic Foreign Body/ Metallic Dental Implant
- 砲彈或子彈傷口 Shrapnel/ Bullet wound
- 紋身或永久性化妝品 Tattoo/ Permanent Cosmetics
- 子宮環 IUCD
- 懷孕 Pregnancy
Preparation Before Exam
- 接受顯影藥水檢查前,病人不需要禁食,但需要3個月內腎功能驗血結果。
- 接受上腹或全腹部(包括胰膽管造影)磁力共振造影檢查之人士, 需於檢查前四小時禁飲食。
- For contrast study, there is no need to fast prior to exam.
- Renal Function: Creatinine within 3 months is required.
- For Abdominal MRI (including MRCP): Fast for 4 hours